Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mary Cummins Facebook Attacks

Lets look at who the real Mary Cummins is, and how she gets off attacking people she doesn't even know. Mary Cummins seems to make a habit of going after people who either she doesn't know or even going after people who she thinks have wronged her. She's a very vindictive lady living in the state of California. Mary Cummins sits in the luxury of her own home behind a computer 10-15 hours a day. She's thinks that attacking someone in an assisted living facility will get her some kind of notoriety for the mean things that she does. Mary Cummins did not know Gary D Coleman until about 1 month ago, after she learned that Amanda Lollar's attorney Randy Turner was representing me in a lawsuit against Mirabella Assisted Living. This facility is the place where I live because of my medical conditions. My situation doesn't allow me to live by myself because of the medication that I'm on. Mary Cummins hates Randy Turner because he exposed her in court to be a liar and got a 7 Million Dollar judgement against her. She attacks everyone he helps to try and drive him out of business. I am one of her latest victims.
Mary Cummins has deliberately attacked me on the WFAA channel 8's Facebook page, The Fort Worth Star Telegram website, and even Mirabella's Facebook page, and Mirabella's main website page. Mary Cummins has attacked me accusing me of assaulting a women at a hospital, none of which is remotely true! These accusations were unfounded and the police report she found was inconclusive in the way it was written. She was able to make this so called police report look like I had even been arrested when in reality I was not. Regardless, this women has caused me some very serious problems in coming after someone who is obviously disabled. Going after someone who is disabled is a crime in itself, but she is very good sitting behind a computer in the safety of her own home. I have never had what most would call a cyber-stalker, and I'm not going to let this mean, obsessive women come after me or anyone I know anymore. I'm tired of being her victim and I'm certainly not going to let her continue her ways without standing up to her and trying to put her in her place.

Much more to come.

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